June 9, 2020, Atlassing Buchanan County, Part 3, The Results

National events ended up taking on a larger role than anticipated on this trip. Be sure to see Part 1. See also a Project Introduction. In this post I will share the results of the project.

This table summarizes the results. My objective was to complete the first 3. They were all accepted as complete so success!

Block Prior Daytime Effort (hrs) Prior Breeding Species Prior % Prob+Confirmed Final Daytime Effort(hrs) Final Breeding Species Final % Probable+Confirmed Nightjar Survey
Bradshaw SE 0.47 28 18% 9.26 60 77% yes
Harman SE 1.9 45 22% 20.68 73 62% yes
Patterson SE 2.8 61 46% 8.3 69 49% NA
Prater SE 1.63 27 19% 5.1 48 48% np

The Patterson SE block has additional data from another surveyor which is why it is completed without meeting the percentage requirement.

Written on June 9, 2020