June 7, 2020, Atlassing Buchanan County, Part 2, Introduction

National events ended up taking on a larger role than anticipated on this trip. Be sure to see Part 1. The objective in going to Buchanan county was to assist the birders living in the area with the monumental task of surveying the priority blocks of the county. Counties with more residents, and therefore more birders, are well covered after four years of atlassing, but counties with fewer residents still need more volunteer effort.

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June 6, 2020, Atlassing Buchanan County, Part 1, Context

I am writing a series of posts describing my participation in volunteer citizen science activity related to birding (bird watching) in Buchanan County, Virginia. Especially as highlighted by recent events, it is important to recognize the unearned privilege that I, as a white man receive in that I am able to go to public areas in the United States with a feeling of welcome and safety. Better than my description, read the interview transcription from Christian Cooper who was accosted in New York’s Central Park while birding. The consequences of racism in this country are serious. Ahmaud Arbery was murdered in Georgia while jogging. And the arrival of the police can result in death, as it did for George Floyd. I on the other hand have received only polite inquiries and even offers of assistance while doing this citizen science project. It is my fervent desire that anyone regardless of race or gender be able to feel at least as safe and welcome as I have in visiting these beautiful parts of Virginia. While performing this volunteer work, I also shared and encouraged participation in Black Birders Week with other atlas volunteers and my social media outlets.

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March 22, 2020, Rusty Blackbirds

Rusty Blackbirds (Euphagus carolinus) are a bird that was once common but are now in precipitous decline to to a number of human caused factors. Some reasons are difficult to address and global but others, like mercury poisoning from coal burning power plants, which also poison humans, is more easily addressed by shifting to more environmentally friendly alternatives like solar. This article provides more information on the conservation issues and actions.

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March 21, 2020, Editing Bird Sounds

I talked in an earlier post about recording bird sounds. This post talks about editing them once recorded. This is not a step by step tutorial but does give ideas which should help a person edit their own recordings for adding to eBird.

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February 8, 2020 Recording Bird Sounds

Birds sing and call frequently and going out birding is often more about listening than seeing - especially when the leaves are out. I enjoy listening to the birds and trying to understand what bird is making the sounds and why. Sometimes when one hears a bird sound, that is often an indication that something interesting is happening.

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January 24, 2020 Snakes at the Virginia Winter Wildlife Festival

On January 26, 2020 Susan and I headed to the Virginia Beach for their Winter Wildlife Festival. We met some friends there and made the most of our long weekend. Friday we went on a bird walk and our group spotted a black snake. I later learned that the correct name is a Northern Black Racer, Coluber constrictor constrictor. image It was right along the trail so I was able to kneel down and get a low angle shot while still giving the snake room. It was alert from having our group disturb it from its spot. My photo was lucky to win a prize at the festival and is highlighted on their website currently. Last year a photo I took of a Long-tailed Duck received honorable mention at the festival.

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